Frequently Asked Questions

  • How do I know if a loan has been disbursed?

    After the invoice is approved, the invoice will appear on the 'Approved' tab on the 'Invoice' page. After the loan is disbursed, the loan will move its status from the 'Approved' page and will be displayed on the 'Loan & Repayment' page on the left side page.

  • What if I want to add a new customer / supplier that is not on the list?

    Please contact Modalku Relationship Manager, and provide the following details: (Company name, PIC, PIC email, PIC telephone number, company address, bank account details)

  • What should I do if an invoice upload error occurs?

    Please contact Modalku Relationship Manager for assistance.

  • Why can't the system read the invoice details uploaded via the template?

    Be careful when entering invoice details in the templates provided. Please ensure that the nominal invoice amount only contains numbers, does not contain commas (,) or periods (.). To submit a date, please use the DD / MM / YYYY format. For naming invoice files (uploaded as attachments), please follow this format <Invoice Number> _ <document type>. <Invoice number> is the number printed on the invoice (example: 123). <doc_type> is the type of document uploaded (example: invoice, purchase order, etc.), for example: 123_invoice, 123_po, etc. Invoice number must be different for each submit. If the error still occurs, please contact Modalku’s Relationship Manager.

  • How to add a user / ID to log in SilkRoad?

    Please contact Modalku's Relationship Manager if you need additional users.

  • Can SilkRoad be logged on and be active on 2 devices at the same time?

    For security reasons, we only allow users to enter one device at the same time. However, the number of users can be added according to your needs. Please contact Modalku's Relationship Manager if you need to add users.

  • Why can't I request for disbursement, even though I already made the payment?

    If you have used all of your loan limits, we need to renew the outstanding amount by settling your loan payment before other disbursements can be made. Fund transfers between banks require time and vary in nature. After funds are available in our bank account, we will immediately begin the settlement process which usually takes less than 24 hours. Your loan limit will be updated automatically after the loan settlement is done.

  • If I make a mistake / wrong upload on the invoice how do I fix it?

    You can still edit every detail for the disbursement request before clicking the 'Request Invoice (s) Approval' button. If you have clicked 'Request Invoice (s) Approval', that means your request has been sent to Modalku. Please contact Modalku's Relationship Manager if you need to make changes to disbursement requests.

  • Why sometimes I can't get the loan period (tenor) as stated in the Offering Letter?

    This can happen because:

    (1) Adjustment of the maturity date of the loan which falls on Saturday / Sunday / National Holidays.

    (2) Adjustment or correction of loan tenor to comply with the conditions agreed to in the Offering Letter. Please refer to the Offering Letter regarding the loan term calculation.

  • Why can't I choose the disbursement date in the next three days according to what I want?

    Our disbursement date is no later than 3 working days after the date of request for disbursement, or as explained in our Offering Letter. The actual disbursement date will adjust to the review process of the Modalku Team and the time of digital financing completion.

  • What invoice documents must be uploaded to Silkroad?

    In accordance with the conditions and documents for disbursement stated in the respective Offering Letter ("Terms for Disbursement" or “Syarat Pencairan”).

  • If I have a lot of invoices, how to make the file name correctly?

    The following is the correct file naming <Invoice Number> _ <doc type>. <Invoice Number> is the number listed on the invoice (example: 123). <doc_type> is type of document uploaded (example: invoice, purchase order, etc). For example: 123_invoice, 123_po, etc.

  • Can I upload one file that contains many invoices / documents?

    We recommend that you upload one invoice document in one file (pdf ',' jpg ',' jpeg ',' png ',' gif '). Each file must be named according to our guidelines. It is intended that our system can associate each invoice with supporting documents / other correspondents (such as: PO / DO / tax invoice / invoice receipt, etc.)

  • What is the difference between the 'Upload Invoice Details' and 'Enter Invoice Details' features?

     'Upload Invoice Details' is a feature to upload multiple invoices simultaneously. This is useful if you have a lot of invoices that you want to upload. Whereas 'Enter Invoice Uploads' is a feature to upload invoices one by one. This feature is easier for you, although it may take longer for you to upload multiple invoices.

  • When will my loan be disbursed after the invoice has been approved by Modalku team (disbursement status)?

    Your loan will be disbursed after the crowdfund has finished. Crowdfund takes a maximum of 3 working days after the loan is approved by Modalku. Loans can be disbursed early if crowdfund has been completed before 3 working days.

  • How do I calculate interest and fees?

    You can see it through the 'Simulate Repayment' page, then select the relevant loan, and select the expected payment date to calculate the interest and loan facility fees.

  • How do I enter the system if I have many invoices?

    If you have a lot of invoices, you are advised to use the feature ‘Upload Invoice Details' where you can upload multiple invoices at once through the template provided. See question # 3 for how to upload.

  • What is invoice status and how do I see invoice status?

    Invoice status conveys your invoice journey from when it was submitted until  approved; and turned into a loan. Invoice status can be found by clicking the 'Invoice' tab on the left.

  • What should I do if I forgot my username to login to Silkroad?

    Username is the email used to login. If you forget, please contact Modalku Relationship Manager.

  • What should I do if I forgot my password to log in to Silkroad?

    Click "forgot password" button on the SilkRoad login page -> enter your username / email. We will send a link to reset your password to this email. Please note that passwords must contain a combination of numbers and letters.

  • What is the correct way to upload invoices and other supporting documents?

    There are 2 options for uploading invoices, here's how:

    (1) 'Upload Invoice Details' to upload multiple invoices simultaneously.


    - Click the 'invoices' tab on the left

    - Click 'create new invoice' on the top right of the 'invoices' page

    - Select the type of facility 

    - Select 'add invoice'

    -Select 'upload invoice details' in the select method to create invoice section

    - Click download template in the form of CSV file

    - Fill in the invoice details in accordance with the format provided

    - Upload documents / related invoice files simultaneously


    (2) 'Enter Invoice Details' to enter invoice details (submit) one by one.


    - Click the 'invoices' tab on the left

    - Click 'create new invoice' on the top right of the 'invoices' page

    - Select the type of facility

    - Select 'add invoice'

    - Select 'enter invoice details' in the select method to create invoice section

    - Fill in all required information

    - Uploading invoice documents

    - Click 'add row'

  • Which documents format or file type to be used for invoice upload?

    'pdf', 'jpg', 'jpeg', 'png', 'gif', 'html', 'xlsx' or excel.

  • Why does my loan disbursement request appear on the 'Revise' or 'Reject' tab on the 'invoices' page?

    If there is an error in your loan disbursement request, your loan disbursement request will then go to the 'Revise' or 'Reject' tab. To overcome this, you need to reupload the correct disbursement request, along with invoices, and other supporting documents.

  • What is the correct way to upload invoices and other supportingdocuments?

    There are 2 options for uploading invoices, here's how:

    (1) 'Upload Invoice Details' to upload multiple invoices simultaneously.


    - Click the 'invoices' tab on the left

    - Click 'create new invoice' on the top right of the 'invoices' page

    - Select the type of facility

    - Select 'add invoice'

    -Select 'upload invoice details' in the select method to create invoice


    - Click download template in the form of CSV file

    - Fill in the invoice details in accordance with the format provided

    - Upload documents / related invoice files simultaneously